
Masterchef at School

  In our Learning Zones we have added a baking zone. Today we made cheese muffins. We made them with milk and eggs and flour and cheese. We took turns to add the ingredients and [...]

By |6th June 2017|General, Room 6|0 Comments

Our beasts

This year we have been using Dojo in the classroom. We have been watching videos about Mojo on class dojo about taming the beast. The beast is inside of us and is made up of [...]

By |2nd June 2017|Room 1|0 Comments

PJ Day at Reporoa Primary

Today we have Pyjama day. We are going to wear our pyjamas all day. We won't forget that pyjamas are what we sleep in. Some people wore their dressing gowns, pyjamas and slippers. They are really [...]

By |26th May 2017|Room 1|0 Comments

Learning Zones are back!

In learning Zones we decided to have a rotating zone that we change every 2 weeks. This week it changed to the science zone! We did the walking water experiment. We put water and food [...]

By |22nd May 2017|Classes, Room 6|0 Comments

Learning about the different spheres!

This week we looked at the geosphere. We learnt that the geosphere is made up of lots of different things like lava, rock, sand and pebbles - these are all non living things. Then we [...]

By |17th May 2017|General, Room 6|0 Comments

Geometry Scavenger hunt

In term 2, we have been learning about Geometry. One of our lessons was to go outside and find 3D shapes on the playground. Marley found a cone (twirly whirlies) and a lot of cylinders. [...]

By |16th May 2017|Room 1|0 Comments

We are scientists!

Our focus for inquiry this term is a science one - we are looking at earth systems and we will be looking specifically at the hydrosphere - all water found on, under and over the [...]

By |10th May 2017|General, Room 6|0 Comments

Kapa Haka Practice

Every Friday we practice our Kapa Haka with Matua Grant. We love to do the Haka because it is so loud and we get to move our bodies around. We also learn to count using [...]

By |12th April 2017|General, Room 6|0 Comments

Reading Rotations

In Room 1, we have four reading groups there names are: Tui's, Kiwi's, NZ Robins and Kakapo. Here are the different activities we do in our rotations: Teacher: we read a book and learn about [...]

By |7th April 2017|Classes, Room 1|0 Comments

Meet our new teacher – Whaea Rachel

Last week we were very lucky to have our new Room 5 teacher Whaea Rachel come and visit us for the day. She told us about herself - we asked lots of questions! She has [...]

By |6th April 2017|Classes|0 Comments