
Week 2/Term 4/25th October 2017

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone ILE (Innovative learning Environments): This week the teachers and some board members are heading to Wairakei and Waipahihi to look [...]

By |25th October 2017|Newsletters|Comments Off on Week 2/Term 4/25th October 2017

Week 1/Term 4/18th October 2017

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone Newsletter changes: After analysing the community survey we have made a few decisions about the newsletter. The format will look [...]

By |18th October 2017|Newsletters|0 Comments

Our class Korowai

We decided to make a korowai because it was Maori language week - the wiki o the reo. We started by using crayons to colour our feather, we had to make sure there were no [...]

By |27th September 2017|Room 6|0 Comments

Winter Sports

Yesterday we did Winter Sports. Rerewhakaaitu, Broadlands and Mihi school came to our school to join us on the school field. There were loads of different games like River Fish, Ultimate Frisbee, Kicket and Catch [...]

By |6th September 2017|Room 6|0 Comments

Maths Learning Term 3

Our maths learning this term is around statistics and measurement. In statistics we have been collecting data around our favourite sports and our eye colours and showing our data using bar graphs. This made it [...]

By |4th September 2017|Classes, Room 6|0 Comments

Technology Inquiry Learning

We have started on our Inquiry learning this term. Our focus is on technology and specifically the function of technology and design. We have explored the problem solving cycle and had a go a solving [...]

By |14th August 2017|Room 6|0 Comments

Our 5 structure challenges you might want to try.

This is what you need: Jumbo popsicle sticks, pegs and clips   Here are the 5 challenges: Build a structure that can support the most possible weight. Build the tallest structure. Build the tallest structure [...]

By |28th July 2017|Room 1|0 Comments

Our new Book Nook

We have a new literacy area for Room 5 and 6 to use.  In the book nook we.... We do respectful learning about reading. We have lots of games like sight word fly swat, peg [...]

By |27th July 2017|Room 6|0 Comments

Kapa haka practises

We have been practising kapa haka everyday in the hall.  We went to the college today to practise on the stage with Matua Grant. We've been doing this for awhile and it is a very [...]

By |16th June 2017|Room 1|0 Comments

Maths Learning

We are learning about measurement in our maths learning this term. We talked about how we can measure things - with a ruler, but also about how we can use lots of other things - [...]

By |12th June 2017|Room 6|0 Comments