
Week 7/Term 4/27th November 2019

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone Bi-Lingual: We are pleased to announce a bi-lingual class for 2020. It will be [...]

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Week 5/Term 4/13th November 2019

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone End of Year 2019: It is amazing just how fast the end of year is approaching. We are [...]

By |12th November 2019|Newsletters|Comments Off on Week 5/Term 4/13th November 2019

Week 3/Term 4/30th October 2019

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone Pet Day and Group Day: Congratulations to all for a fabulous Pet Day. It was great to see [...]

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Week 1/Term 4/16th October 2019

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone Welcome back to term 4: A very warm welcome to friends and whanau returning to Reporoa Primary and [...]

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Week 9/Term 3/18th September 2019

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone Kindness: This term we are focussing on the POSITIVE as part of our REPS programme. Part of being [...]

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Week 7/Term 3/4th September 2019

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone Te Ra Whanau o Reporoa Reporoa Primary School would like to thank the following people and organisations for [...]

By |4th September 2019|Newsletters|Comments Off on Week 7/Term 3/4th September 2019

Week 5/Term 3/20th August 2019

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone Week 5! Welcome to week 5. It is hard to believe this term is half way over already! [...]

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Week 3/Term 3/7th August 2019

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone Te ra whanau o Reporoa: Come to "Te Rā Whānau o Reporoa!" on the 30th August for food, [...]

By |7th August 2019|Newsletters|Comments Off on Week 3/Term 3/7th August 2019

Week 1/Term 3/24th July 2019

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone Welcome back to term 3: A very warm welcome to friends and whanau returning to Reporoa Primary and [...]

By |24th July 2019|Newsletters|Comments Off on Week 1/Term 3/24th July 2019

Room 1 Learning in Term 2.

By |24th June 2019|Room 1|0 Comments