Health Education
Health Statement:
Section 60B of the Education Standards Act 2001 requires schools to consult with the school community every two years about the content of the Health and Physical Education Curriculum.
This legislation recognises that members of communities have many different views, beliefs and customs; and that these will impact on what people see as important and what they are comfortable with being taught to their children. This legislation acknowledges that people will have strong and perhaps polar opposite views about some aspects of the health curriculum. Therefore, schools are expected to ascertain the views of the school community regarding the way in which the health curriculum should be implemented.
The following is our statement about Health Education at Reporoa Primary School based on our 2023 consultation.
Reporoa Primary School will implement a programme of Health Education based on the New Zealand Curriculum and in keeping with the school’s charter and values. The focus of the programme will be to give our students the knowledge, skills and attitudes to maintain and enhance well-being. Students will recognise social and societal influences on well-being and be given opportunities to take action to promote their own and others’ well-being. In delivering Health Education, Reporoa Primary School teachers will use a range of appropriate teaching strategies that engage students and enable development of the key competencies, while taking opportunities to integrate Health Education learning with other aspects of The New Zealand Curriculum.