

Reporoa Primary has a swimming pool on-site which is used in term 1 and 4. During these times, each class has a specific time allocated to developing swimming skills and the learn the importance of water saftey. In term 1 we hold the Senior Swimming Sports (Years 4-6) at Reporoa College as they have a 25m pool. The juniors have an afternoon of displaying their swimming skills they have learnt during term 1 and 4.

From our Senior Swimming Sports, we select students to particiapte in the Cluster swimming events. This is the pathway to the Central Bay of Plenty Swimming event.

Summer Sports

In Term 1 we hold the annual Cluster Summer Sport at Reporoa Primary and Reporoa College. The Juniors (year 1-3) play a rotation of tabloid sport at Reporoa Primary. The Seniors (Year 4-6) play T-ball at Reporoa College.  During Term 1 these skills become our focus in P.E and you will see the classes practicing the fundemental skills or t-ball and team building games.

Mini Marathon

The Mini marathon is run by Sport BOP and held in Rotorua. This year, Reporoa Primary has entered around 20 students for the first time. This is an event that is mostly completed in the students times and when the student is registered they complete a passport. This passsport will track their progress at completing 40km of running or walking to build up to the event. In Term 2, they have the opportunity to complete the final 2.1km of thier marathon on the actual Rotorua Marathon Corse. Registration forms are sent home in term 1 so the children have the time to complete the 40km.

Cross Country/Fun Run

Cross Country/Fun Run  is held in term 2 and is a school wide fundraising and competitive event. Endurance training starts week 1 of Term 2. This allows for students to practise their running and improve on their fitness. Our cross country event is held in the Reporoa Village on a local farm. From our school event, we select chidlren from years 1-6 to represent our school at the annual Cluster Cross Country held at the Lake Rerewhakaaiutu domain. This is also a pathway to the Central Bay of Plenty Cross Country event.

Winter Sports

This is held in Term 3 and is a cluster wide event held at Reporoa college and Reporoa Primary. The junior students (Year 1-3) participate in a rotation of tabloid sport at Reporoa Primary.  The Seniors (Years 4-6) play a rotation of Soccer at Reporoa College. This is a great day for the community as we have all schools from around Reporoa joining in.


This is held during term 4 and involves the whole school. Classes practice during school as it is a P.E focus for the term. The events that are in our school athlectis are: hight jump, long jump, 50m, 100m 200m, discus and shot put. From our Athlectis day we select representatives that attend the anuual Cluster Athletics day. The Cluster Athletics is also a pathway to Central Bay of Plenty Athletics day also.


The triathlon is a school event that is held in term 4, usually towards the end of the term. This event has 2 sections the children enter as, juniors (ages 5-7)  and seniors (ages 8-11+). All students are able to participate in teams or as individual. In the senior section their are 2 categories, Category 1 is for begginers and category 2 is the elite section. The elite section winners are awarded trophies at the end of the year.


Netball is club based. In term 2 teams represent Reporoa in the Rotorua Competition every Saturday. Dedicated parents help with coaching and managing these teams. Practices usually happen after school or at lunchtimes. If you would like to know more contact the school.


Reporoa Primary School have joined up with Reporoa Rugby club along with the rest of our schools in the community to play JAB in the Rotorua competition every Saturday. Practices are held after school, usually on a Thursday at the Reporoa Rugby Club. If you are interested in playing please contact the school office.


The Reporoa Razorbacks is the name of the local organisation that oragnises the league in Reporoa. Depending on the number of students they have turn up to register, will inform them of how many teams they have in the various age groups. They compete in the baywide competetion, which means they play around the bay (Tokoroa, Taupo, Reporoa, Rotorua and Papamoa). This starts in Term 2 and practises are at Reporoa College on Wednesday at 4pm.


We have a Cluster team that children from Reporoa Primary School participate in. They usually train at Reporoa Primary on Thursday at 3.30pm. They compete in the Taupo Competition. For more information please contact the School.

Rippa Rugby

In Term 2 BOP Rugby and Sport BOP hold a Rippa Rugby World Cup. Every year Reporoa Primary Schools tries to compete in this event. There are 2 divisions you must enter: years 3 & 4 and years 5 &6 teams of 10 children. It is a one day event, held at the Rotorua Westbrook Rugby Fields and is from 9.30am to 2.30pm. This is one of the only sporting events we have a trial as we can only enter two teams. This usually takes place in Week 1 of Term 2. We have dedicated parents and staff who coach and manage our teams, right down to taking practises at lunchtimes. If you are willing to help out, please contact the School.


We have recently joined up with schools from around the cluster to form a team to compete in the Rotorua competition on Friday nights. This competition starts in term 2 and runs until term 3. This year we only have one year 5/6 team that is participating and we are looking at putting more teams into the competition in the future. If you able to help please contact the School.

The students at Reporoa Primary School enjoy playing basketball during play and lunch times and P.E lessons.