Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone
Kia ora, Nameste, Talofa, Konnichiwa, Guten Tag , Gidday, Vannakkam, ni Hao, Kia orana, Hola, Salam, Sa wat dee kha, Dia Dhuit, Goeie Dag, Bonjour, Hello, (please let us know the greeting in your language if it is not here)
Korero from the Principal:
Kia ora e te whanau.
Hari hou tou! Happy New Year! Welcome back to Reporoa Primary School for 2024. I trust that you all had a wonderful summer full of family adventures. A very big welcome to all students and whanau returning and new.
We are very happy to be fully staffed again this year with awesome teachers and support staff. Last year we said goodbye to Kate Bowron (teacher aide) and Jenni Johns (teacher). We are also happy to be welcoming Jay Morrison (Mr Mo), Jo Morrison (Whaea Jo), and Shontelle Rae (Mrs Rae) to our team. Jay is teaching in rūma wha (4), Shontelle is teaching in rūma tahi (1) and Jo is taking art while the teachers receive their half a day per week release. Jenese Van der Westhuizen is in the office from 8:30am – 3pm.
I am pleased to say that we have had a wonderful start to the year. The students are happy and using their REPS visibly in all situations. The staff have commented many times already about how settled and engaged the students are.
I know this week seems very bitsy as we are at school for only two days before having Thursday off for Waitangi Day and then coming back Friday. For that reason, we thought it was a great opportunity to have our MEET AND GREET (Whanau Day) on the Friday. School will be open for all whanau on Friday from 11:15. The day will go as follows:
2nd block – 11:15 – head to your child’s class/classes (move between them as there is no formal agenda here)
- Meet and Greet with whanau.
- Class activities and games.
- Meet the teacher who will talk about what happens in their class.
- Fill out a student learner profile.
- Get help signing up to HERO
Lunch – Sausage sizzle and Ka Pai Kai. Please BYO other food for a picnic lunch
3rd and 4th block –
- Pool open
- Kiorahi on the feild
- Face painting
- Outdoor games
- Water slide
- Bubble machine
Pack up and back to class @2:30!
Ngā Manaakitanga,
A Few Reminders for Parents/Caregivers/Whanau:
Uniform: Our uniform expectations are clearly set out on our website. If you are unsure, please take a look. We are sharpening up on our expectations in this area as things slipped last year. If your child is not in correct uniform, a note will be sent home reminding you of the expectation. A phone call will follow after a few days if things have not been sorted. If you are struggling to get the correct uniform, get in contact as we are likely to be able to help out. Please name all uniform clearly.
Sunhats: In term 1 and 4, sunhats are part of our uniform. These must be the school sunhat.Please name hats clearly.
Shoes: We tend to get some bright crocs covered with Jibbitz from time to time. These are not uniform. Please make sure your child is wearing black socks and shoes.
Bus: A friendly reminder that we do not change any bus plans based on what children tell us. We need you to ring the office and let us know in plenty of time before the end of the day please. Teachers are spending a lot valuable time after school phoning parents to check where their children should be. This also holds the bus up from getting to the college.
Swimming: It is very hot! The children love to go swimming, so please make sure they have their togs. Swimming is also a very important part of our curriculum. New Zealand is surrounded by water so your child needs to be able to be confident in and around the water to prevent accidents.
We use a variety of methods to communicate with you, but we need you to do your bit and make sure you receive that communication.
School Newsletters – get emailed via an automated system every second Wednesday and are held in the school website. We must have your correct email address. To see all newsletter you can go to the website
If you do not receive the newsletter email, make sure you phone the office and let us know what your email address is. The newsletter has important information in it and we need you to keep up to date with what is happening in the school. It is not helpful when parents don’t read the newsletter and the complain that they were not informed. We do provide a paper newsletter on request.
Text and Phone – We will text and/or phone when there is an issue or to clarify something important, or if we have not heard why your child is away. It is vital that we have your correct phone details for health and safety reasons. Please text and/or phone and/or fill in the website page for us when your child is away.
Facebook – Our school has a facebook page which we post news and events. If you use facebook, be sure to follow us!
Website – Our website contains all basic information about how we operate at Reporoa Primary School. We aim to keep this as updated as possible. If you need information, check out the website first.
HERO – this year we are doing everything possible through HERO. It is very important that you download the app to stay up to date with what is happening.
- attendance
- reporting and assessment
- mid-year and end of year reporting
- work samples
- surveys/polls
- notices and class newsletters
- permission for trips etc
Please Download the app and you will get notifications, otherwise it will go into your email in box.
Policies and Procedures – All of our policies and procedures are online and available to view by going to . Click ‘search for your school’ and type in Reporoa. Our user name is reporoa and our password is pukeko. Each term we will ask you to review a policy online for us.
Ka Pai Kai Lunches:
Lunch Procedures – please read carefully so that you understand how lunches in schools work. Your child needs to be 100% in or 100% out of the lunch provision.
Healthy Lunches are provided by Ka Pai Kai everyday that students are at school. These lunches meet the Ministry of Educations requirements for the Healthy School Lunches programme. We are encouraging children to eat these as often children will not try the food because their lunch boxes are full of junk food that is more appealing to them (and full of sugar which effects behaviour in the afternoon!).
Please only provide one or two healthy snacks for morning tea as your child gets lunch provided.
- Karakia Kai is said before starting.
- Children sit with their lunch sensibly and with their class group.
- Only children who have been taken off the KPKA list (communication from parents to the office) will be able to eat from their lunch box immediately. They are not catered for through KPKA.
- ALL other children receive a KPKA lunch as they are financed for this through MOE funding and lunch is provided for them to eat.
- The KPKA lunches are given out to each child, leaving the container free for rubbish. Any surplus (from those who are away) is taken to the fridge and/or freezer in room 7.
- After children have taken 5 bites ad still don’t like the food, they may ask the teacher politely if they can have some alternative food (from their lunch box or from the R7 fridge).
- Children eat the ‘main’ meal provided (sandwich, hot food etc) before receiving the ‘treat’ food (fruit, biscuit etc).
- Children sit for 15 minutes. If they have finished, they have polite dinner table conversation with their peers. Students don’t wander, play or do jobs for staff during this time. It is eating time.
- Teachers let the students go when the time is over and their area is free of rubbish.
- ALL KPKA rubbish is put inside the delivery boxes.
- ALL rubbish that is not KPKA must be put back in students’ lunchboxes. We are trying to discourage packet food (much of which is not healthy) and will not cater for the removal of packet rubbish from home.
- Lunch bought from home is encouraged to also meet the healthy food guidelines. NO JUNK FOOD PLEASE! (Lollies, sugary cakes, high additive/colour added foods such as twisties,
- Water or milk are the only drinks allowed.
Year 6 Leaders:
As always, we invite our year 6 students to apply for leadership roles within our school. The year 6 students are writing an application for one or more of the following roles in class through their writing time. They are learning to write a formal letter. See Whaea Tanissha for more information.
Kaiarahi (4)
- To be an overall leader in the school
- Attend Hillary Outdoors Camp
- Represent the school on occasions
- Thank visitors on behalf of the school
- Greet visitors
- Run assembly
- Give out tokens
- Bring certificates over
- Help problem solve minor issues at morning tea and lunch.
- Give out ‘Gotchas’
- Run/manage bake sales/fundraisers etc
Sports (4)
- Keep the sports shed tidy and organised
- Issue gear at break times
- Assist teachers to get gear when needed
- Put gear away for teachers
- Run lunchtime games and competitions
- Help Whaea Tanissha when needed
Kapa Haka (4)
- Run the powhiri each term (whaikorero or karanga)
- Lead the kapa haka performances
- Be an outstanding role model in all things including te reo and tikanga
Kahui Ako Reps (2)
- Represent Reporoa Primary at Kahui Ako meetings each term
- Organise and run the CCC (Children’s Collaborative Conference) in November at the College
Tech (2)
- Assist the teachers with technology issues
- Be confident with using technology in the classroom and around the school
- Help with the running of assemblies and the slideshow
House (8)
- Assist with sports day events
- Manage the groups
- Make notices for events and put them around the school
- Encourage everyone to dress up in house colours
- Go around each class on a Friday asking for house points
- Update house points in the office
Library (2)
- Work with the library staff
- Help with Book week
- Issue and return books
- Make sure library is tidy after class visits
- Have a library activity to do each week e.g mindful colouring, making bookmarks.
- Help junior classes if they need help
- Talk about ‘book of the week’ at assembly. (book review)
Bus Monitors (several)
- Attend training from the NZ Police
- Make sure children are sitting and using their REPS on the bus
- Help younger children with their bus transitions
- Help new students get to know the bus routines
- Report any undesirable behaviour to senior staff
Star of the week:
Ka rawe te mahi to Ryker, for consistent effort in making engaged and positive choices. Mr Webby says he has been outstanding in his choices, and contributed in all learning activities.
School Swimming Sports
Bring your togs every day! In week 4 on Wednesday 26th February 2025 we are having our swimming sports. Seniors (Rm1 & Rm2) will be over at the Reporoa College Pool and our Juniors (Rm 4, 5, 6) will have a swimming demonstration here at our school pool. We will communicate specific time frames closer to the day.
Interested in summer league basketball? Please see the flyer attached for more detail. We have a coach for our year 5/6 team. If there are any other grades wanting to play, you’ll need a coach. Get in touch with me if you are interested in taking a team.
Basketball Star
Congratulations to Rico Brown who won a silver medal at this years National Māori Basketball Tournament held during the school holidays
Rico represented Te Arawa and his team won all their games in the top grade for the u12s but didn’t quite get the win in the final against Mauao.
There were over 400 teams competing at this years tournament from 28 iwi all across New Zealand making it the biggest basketball tournament in the country.
Congratulations also to past pupils Riki Holt, Noah Phillips and Saige Phillips who were also selected to represent Te Arawa and competed in their respective grades.
Saige also won silver
If any of our whanau have any sporting achievements they would like published, please email me with a blurb and a photo. We love celebrating success.
Ngā mihi nui
Whaea Tanissha
From the Board of Trustees:
We hope that everyone had a wonderful summer break and are transitioning smoothly into the new school year. We want to welcome the entire community back to school, and a particularly warm welcome to new families, students and staff. We look forward to a wonderful 2025 school year. Our first meeting is our AGM and will be held in the staffroom at 6:30pm on the 25th February.
The board would like to say thank you to Kate Bowron, who has recently resigned from her position on the board due to moving out of Reporoa. Kate has served on the board as presiding member for some years now and her skills and expertise on the board will be missed. A new presiding member will be voted on at the next board meeting.
Have you got our app downloaded for all current communications?
Other Notices:
School Account Details:
Account payments can be made directly to our school ASB account using online banking. The account number is: 123155 0134517 00
Remember if you change address, get a new cell phone number or email address to notify the school so we have up to date records. The office needs your up to date email address so the newsletter can be emailed out – thanks.
We are part of the governments healthy lunch programme. Children are provided lunch everyday. If they have any allergies, please let the office know so that allowances can be made. Children still need to bring a drink bottle (water only please) and morning tea every day.
Reminder – if your child is absent either text, phone and leave a message, or fill in an on-line absent form. We also are required to fill in the reason they are away, so remember to include this in your message – thanks.
Car Parks:
Please use the car parks provided at the front or back of the school. No vehicles are permitted on the school grounds except for staff or service vehicles.
Nãku i runga i aku mihi ki a koe – Yours with thanks
Richelle McDonald
and our team – Nikkole, Gemma, Tanissha, Steven, Pip, Shontelle, Jay, Jo, Julie, Jenese, Lily, Bridget, and Stephen.
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