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Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone

Kia ora, Nameste, Talofa, Konnichiwa, Guten Tag , Gidday, Vannakkam, ni Hao, Kia orana, Hola, Salam, Sa wat dee kha, Dia Dhuit, Goeie Dag, Bonjour, Hello, (please let us know the greeting in your language if it is not here)

Korero from the Principal:

Welcome back to term four. It is very hard to believe that we only have 9 weeks left until we break for Christmas! I trust you all had a lovely time over the holiday break with your children. They have come back rested, refreshed and positive about their learning. Thank you for making sure that happened. We always appreciate your support and have enjoyed a fantastic start to the term with focussed learning and positive, kind behaviour.

This term we are looking froward to Pet Day next week, Teacher Only Day next Friday, ERO in week 3, Gumboot Friday mufti day, CCC (our Kahui Ako student conference for seniors), a marae and local resource trip for Te Puna Ahu Reo, Athletics, Swimming, Year 6 kayak trip, Year 6 Graduation and our final assembly. Phew – it’s a busy one!

A few reminders for you about what to do when things are not going smoothly. Please don’t hold it to yourself and please don’t gossip about it in the community. If something is not right, I want to help but I can only help if you come and see me. I promise I’m not scary! Don’t let it get big before you take action. Here is our policy for dealing with any issues you might have, big or small.

Dental Van

The mobile dental clinic is due to arrive on Friday. If you have not completed a dental enrolment form these are available at the school office and are required to be filled in for your child to be seen by the dental therapists.

Hats and Sunscreen:

Term 4 it is compulsory for students to wear a Potai (hat). If students have no hat – students are required to play in the shade under the shade sails. It is also a great idea if sunblock can be put on in the morning before getting to school. We do have some sunblock available at school if it needs reapplying on extra hot days.

School hats can be purchased from the uniform shop for $18

2025 Staffing:

 I am very pleased to announce that for 2025 we a fully staffed. We look forward to welcoming the following people to our team next year:

  • Jay Morrison – Full time Teacher
  • Jo Morrison – art time release teacher and arts (visual and performing) specialist teacher
  • Jenese van der Westhuizen – office manager
  • Lily Knight – Teacher Aide 

Jay and Jo are husband and wife from Te puke. They have moved to Reporoa with their son Nathan who is attending Reporoa Primary School this term as a year 6 student. 

Jenese will be moving up from the South Island later in the term and starting full time next year. She is an experienced school office administrator and principal PA. 

Lily is from the UK and has been in NZ for a year. She loves working with children and has made a great start helping us with some of our students who require a little bit extra already.

Decision about who will be teaching at what year level for 2025 will be made later in the term. There are likely to be some changes. 

Star of the week: 

Ka rawe te mahi to the senior team for their excellent start to the term. They each have a new class treaty in place and high expectations to meet. So far they are doing a great job at meeting these and getting into some deep mahi for the term. Congratulations to Fletcher Muggeridge for his outstanding reading mahi, Rein Jackson for his awesome maths geometry mahi, Zelind Vercoe for outstanding mat manners, and the senior girls who are independent learners and allowed to work outside in the sun. 







Wrap up for 5v5 Basketball

On Friday our basketball team played their last game for the 5v5 season. The game started with a back and forth between our tough opposing team, no one scored in the first 3 minutes. Our team displayed their skills they have learnt throughout the season with great passing, attempting shots and awesome defense. 

A huge mihi to Rangi and Robyn for coaching and managing the team. Our boys have shown immense improvement and thoroughly enjoy getting on the court every week.

Special achievement announcement

Congratulations to Noah Phillips and Rico Brown who were both selected to represent Te Arawa earlier this year at the Poitukohu Māori 3×3 National Basketball Tournament. 

Noah and his team placed 1st in the u12 Tama section winning Gold medals and Rico and his team placed second in the u10 Tama section winning Silver medals. 

After weeks of trialing in term 4 last year and then again in term 1 this year Noah and Rico (who is only 8 years old) were both also selected to Represent Rotorua in the u12 Maroon representative team. 

They have both played awesome basketball this year with Noah being one of the top scorers for his team and Rico although small in size, big on defence. 

They had their last tournament for the year over the weekend where their team placed 5th in the u12 National championship tournament. 

Basketball isn’t quite finished for these 2 yet as they have both also been selected to attend the Basketball u12 Pacific Jamboree in October. 

What a massive year of basketball for these 2!

Cluster Winter Sports

Last term in week 10 our tamariki participated in our annual cluster winter sports. It was great to see the sportsmanship out there, especially our tamariki for showing their REPS. Our tamariki loved the chance to play sports and catch up with tamariki from other kura as well. 

Thank you to our parents who helped out and took a team around. It was crucial to the success of our kids showing great sportsmanship. We really could not have hosted the day without you all, so again thank you! Your names will go down on our morning tea shout for parent helpers at the end of the year. 

Reporoa School Athletics

Our annual school athletics will be held on Wednesday 20th November, so lock in the date come down and support the crew. Reporoa Cluster Athletics will be held the following week for placegetters on Thursday 28th November. 

Summer series


Ngā mihi nui

Whaea Tanissha

[email protected]


From the Board of Trustees:

Welcome back to term 4

This term we have the Education Review Office (ERO) visiting our kura (school). ERO is the New Zealand Government’s external education evaluation agency, they will be here to evaluate and report on the education and care of learners in our school.

We appreciate all the work that Mrs McDonald and her team have done to prepare for this.

By-Election nominations have now closed.

We look forward to introducing you to our new BOT members soon.

Nga Mihi

Kate Bowron

[email protected]

As at Noon today there were only 2 nominations received, we welcome James Martelli and Jamie Williams onto the School Board of Trustees.

Maureen Johansen (Returning Officer)


Nga mihi nui – A very big thank you!

We would like to acknowledge the following families as they have been supporting us through the Fuel for Schools initiative. This brings in money that we would not otherwise have. We will spend this on helping to pay for our new swings that are coming this term. Woohoo!

We would like to take the time to mention who those members of the community are that have contributed to our school, they are listed as follows:

ANCO Farming Ltd

Atlas Farms 3022 SH 5

Atlas Farms Ltd

B&N Hathaway Family Trust

Balepro Ltd

Bushland Farms

Butler Family Trust

Cochrane Farm Ltd

Double A Oaks Ltd

Fantail Farms Ltd

Forest View Farming Ltd

Fozzie Farms Ltd

Full Boar Ltd Lakeview

Glynleith Farms Limited

Hermansen Family Trust

JB Thomas & Sons Ltd

JR & GR Hathaway Family Trust

LAR Farming Ltd

Lesdale Friesians

MJA Farms Ltd


Ohaaki Thermal Kilns Ltd

Omahanui Land Co Ltd

Pacific Milk Ltd

Paeroa South B2B1 Trust

PT & EA Kelly

RD & MH Hammond Trust

RKBS Horne Ltd

RL&KJ Barker Family Trust

Sawmate Firewood Flight

Tadema Farm Ltd – 136 Longview

Tadema Farm Ltd – 225 Longview

TCS Farms Ltd

Tumunui Kaiperiere Farm

Turoa Farms Ltd

Weren Farms Limited – Deep Creek

Weren Farms Limited – Plateau

Weren Farms Limited – Strathmore







Have you got our app downloaded for all current communications?

Other Notices:

School Account Details:

Account payments can be made directly to our school ASB account using online banking.  The account number is: 123155 0134517 00


Remember if you change address, get a new cell phone number or email address  to notify the school so we have up to date records. The office needs your up to date email address so the newsletter can be emailed out – thanks.


We are part of the governments healthy lunch programme. Children are provided lunch everyday. If they have any allergies, please let the office know so that allowances can be made. Children still need to bring a drink bottle (water only please) and morning tea every day.


Reminder – if your child is absent either text, phone and leave a message, or fill in an on-line absent form. We also are required to fill in the reason they are away, so remember to include this in your message – thanks.

Car Parks:

Please use the car parks provided at the front or back of the school. No vehicles are permitted on the school grounds except for staff or service vehicles.

Nãku i runga i aku mihi ki a koe – Yours with thanks

Richelle McDonald

and our team – Nikkole, Gemma, Tanissha, Steven, Pip, Jenni, Julie,  Maureen, Lily, Bridget, Kate, and Stephen.