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Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone

Kia ora, Nameste, Talofa, Konnichiwa, Guten Tag , Gidday, Vannakkam, ni Hao, Kia orana, Hola, Salam, Sa wat dee kha, Dia Dhuit, Goeie Dag, Bonjour, Hello, (please let us know the greeting in your language if it is not here)

Korero from the Principal:

Language at school:

We kindly remind everyone of the importance of using respectful language and refraining from swearing when visiting our school. By doing so, you serve as excellent role models for your children, demonstrating the values we uphold: being respectful, engaged, positive, and striving (using our REPS). Your support in maintaining our positive environment contributes significantly to our well-being and sets a strong example for our students to follow. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to our values.

PB4L – Positive Behaviour for Learning:

At our school we focus on 4 values which we call REPS (Respectful, Engaged, Positive, Striving). This term our big focus is being positive. When your child gets home from school, do you ask them what went wrong today or what went right? 

We are looking forward to sharing a positive term with you all!

Nga mihi nui



We are super excited to be able to unveil our waharoa this week. Please come and support us! It has been a very long time in the making and has been a careful joint effort from pupils past and present, the board, and our carvers Conrad and Wiremu. Some of our students visited last year and learnt the significance of the carvings which we will all get to see on Friday. 

Term 3


Welcome back Tamariki we hope you all had a great holiday, feeling refreshed and ready to start term 3.



SLC’s – Student Learning Conferences:

Thank you to all of you that attended your Student Learning Conferences 

If you were unable to attend can you please get in touch with your classroom teacher to organise an appropriate time to meet. 

Thank you

Star of the week: 

Ka rawe te mahi goes to Blackie for being 100% focus in Mrs McDonald’s reading class. 

Keep up the great work Blackie! 

Classroom news: 


Charlie, Tylah, Hunter and Mayjah have worked very hard last term on two big projects about India and Philippines. Thanks to Jaisky, Kavi, Eldrich and Lance for giving them some information about their home land. The posters can bee seen in our foyer.

Other Notices:


Please remember to have you Photos ordered and paid for by the 5th August or order online with Masterpiece Photography.



Just a reminder that if you child catches a bus they must wear a bus vest! We will send a note home followed by a phone call if your child is not wearing a vest. This is a health and safety issue and is compulsory.

Please remember if your child catches the bus, you must always remember to let us know if there are to be any changes.

eg. If you are intending to pick your child up we must be notified in advance, We need to know, it is our job to know our tamariki are getting home safe.  Please let the office know and also speak to their class room teacher when collecting them.

If you have to collect your child early for any reason PLEASE sign them out through the office on the ipad.

Please call or message the office: 027 660 2281




Tough Girl Tough Guy

When: Thursday 29th August

Where: Lakes Ranch, Rotorua

Entries close: Friday 9th August

Who: Year 3-8

Cost: $30 per child to be paid to the school office before entry close date

If your child is interested in doing this event, please forward your name to either me or the office. Permission slips will only be given to those students who have paid. 

Rip, Grip and Whip

When: Tuesday 17th September 

Where: Waipa Mountain Bike Park, Rotorua

Entries close: Tuesday 3rd September

Who: Year 4-6

Cost: $5 per student to be paid to the school office before entry close date

If your child is interested in doing this event, please forward your name to me. Permission slips will only be given to those students who have paid. 

Ngā mihi nui

Whaea Tanissha

[email protected] 



From the Board of Trustees:

Dear Community,

As John Guyton steps down after many years of dedicated service, we would like to express our gratitude for his contributions and wealth of knowledge. John has been a part of our school growth over the last 10 years. He has been a valued member of our team. John’s years of experience have provided the newer members with direction and confidence to grow our board.

Thank you,  all the best for your future John.


The next BOT meeting is the 6th August via zoom at 6.30pm if you would like to attend please email Kate.

[email protected]

Visitors are always welcome to attend but will not have speaking rights unless requested to the presiding member 3 days prior to the meeting.


We are still looking for a board secretary. This is a paid position for an average of 5 hours per term. If you are able to help us, please give us a call!

Nga Mihi

Kate Bowron

[email protected]


Have you got our app downloaded for all current communications?

Other Notices:

School Account Details:

Account payments can be made directly to our school ASB account using online banking.  The account number is: 123155 0134517 00


Remember if you change address, get a new cell phone number or email address  to notify the school so we have up to date records. The office needs your up to date email address so the newsletter can be emailed out – thanks.


We are part of the governments healthy lunch programme. Children are provided lunch everyday. If they have any allergies, please let the office know so that allowances can be made. Children still need to bring a drink bottle (water only please) and morning tea every day.


Reminder – if your child is absent either text, phone and leave a message, or fill in an on-line absent form. We also are required to fill in the reason they are away, so remember to include this in your message – thanks.

Car Parks:

Please use the car parks provided at the front or back of the school. No vehicles are permitted on the school grounds except for staff or service vehicles.

Nãku i runga i aku mihi ki a koe – Yours with thanks

Richelle McDonald

and our team – Nikkole, Gemma, Tanissha, Steven, Pip, Jenni, Julie, Kylie, Maureen, Abbey, Bridget, Kate, and Stephen.