Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone
School attendance awareness campaign:
‘Every School Day is a Big Day’ is a new campaign to encourage school attendance. It was launched this week.
The campaign is a part of ‘kia kotahi te ū ki te ako – all in for learning’, which is an on-going nation-wide strategy with a focus on supporting ākonga to attend school regularly. The campaign is in recognition that regular attendance at school is important for our children’s learning, wellbeing and futures.
Going to school every day is really important for our tamariki to achieve their aspirations. As parents and caregivers, we play the most important role in helping our ākonga to regularly attend school. It’s up to us to make sure our children attend and engage in learning from when they first start school until they are 16.
Here are some main points of the campaign:
Who is responsible for school attendance?
Our tamariki need to feel like school is a safe community where they belong and can thrive. Improving the attendance of most students is largely our responsibility as parents and caregivers, working with schools and kura.
Why are you encouraging kids back to school when we have winter illnesses?
Attendance has been in decline since 2015 – before COVID. However, with the additional impact of a global pandemic, we know that schools need to offer more support and reassurance to those of you who have been reluctant to return to school regularly.
Does my child have to go to school every day?
Yes. Under the Education and Training Act 2020, parents and carers of school children up to 16 years old can be prosecuted if their child is away from school without a good reason.
However, if your tamariki are sick, they should stay home and limit the spread of illnesses.
What about my five-year-old?
Even though you don’t legally have to enrol your child at school until they turn six, most children in New Zealand start school when they are five.
Once your child has started school, they need to attend every day. School used to be compulsory from age six, but the law changed in July 2017, and now children need to attend every day from when they first start school.
If your child is going to be away from school for any reason you should always follow the school’s process to let them know. They also need to know the reason that your child is away.
If your child doesn’t turn up to school they will be concerned for their safety. If the school doesn’t hear from you, they may get in touch with you to make sure your child is okay.
What if my child needs to be away from school?
Your child should go to school every day. But sometimes they might need to be away from school because they are too sick to attend, have an appointment or need to be at a tangi or funeral.
If your child is going to be away from school you should let the school know as soon as possible. Check what your school’s process is for letting them know about absences. You will need to let them know that your child will be away, why and for how long.
Can I take my child out of school during term time to go on holiday?
No, while we all enjoy a break as a whānau, a holiday is not a good enough reason to take your child out of school, so holidays should be planned outside of term times.
Events like a birthday or a special day’s shopping aren’t considered valid reasons for being away from school either.
What if my child is often off school sick?
If your child misses a lot of school because of a serious illness you may be able to get help from a regional health school.
For more details go to
Every day at school counts!
Playground Update:
The playground is going to be started on the 19th September. We are so excited. Here is what it will look like.
Perfectionist Child:
Is your child a bit of a perfectionist?
Children often believe that perfection is a sign of success and self-worth. This leads to them experiencing frustration and feelings that they are flawed when they are not perfect.
As a parent, we can help our children to overcome this way of thinking by emphasizing these truths:
Everyone makes mistakes (parents too!);
Mistakes are fixable;
Mistakes do NOT equal inadequacy.
Children who strive to be perfect need to see others live these growth mindset concepts.
Pet Day – Get Excited!

Cultural Festival:
We are working hard on our waiata for our Cultural Festival presentations on the 15th September. Make sure you save the date so that you can come and see us on the stage at the College!
After School Care provider:
We are interested in setting up an after Kindergarten (2:30pm) and After School (3pm) care provider for Reporoa School whanau as an option for whanau who are working and finding pick up times difficult. If you are interested in this idea (either running it or using it for your children) please send an email to [email protected]
If there is enough interest, we will pursue the idea further.
Have you got our app downloaded for all current communications?
Message from the Board:
Kate Bowron – Presiding Member
Kate Bowron, Presiding Member
Mini Marathon Friday 16th September – notices are coming home today.
Nikkole Fell (Sports Coordinator)
Other Notices:
School Account Details:
Account payments can be made directly to our school ASB account using online banking. The account number is: 123155 0134517 00
Remember if you change address, get a new cell phone number or email address to notify the school so we have up to date records. The office needs your up to date email address so the newsletter can be emailed out – thanks.
We are part of the governments healthy lunch programme. Children are provided lunch everyday. If they have any allergies, please let the office know so that allowances can be made. Children still need to bring a drink bottle (water only please) and morning tea every day.
Reminder – if your child is absent either text, phone and leave a message, or fill in an on-line absent form. We also are required to fill in the reason they are away, so remember to include this in your message – thanks. IF CHILDREN ARE SICK PLEASE KEEP THEM AT HOME.
Car Parks:
Please use the car parks provided at the front or back of the school. No vehicles are permitted on the school grounds except for staff or service vehicles.
Nãku i runga i aku mihi ki a koe – Yours with thanks
Richelle McDonald
and our team – Nikkole, Korkz, Gemma, Tanissha, Steven, Pip, Julie, Maureen, Heather, Mary, Bridget, Sarah and Linda.
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