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Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone

Kia ora, Nameste, Talofa, Konnichiwa, Guten Tag , Gidday, Vannakkam, ni Hao, Kia orana, Hola, Salam, Sa wat dee kha, Dia Dhuit, Goeie Dag, Bonjour, Hello, (please let us know the greeting in your language if it is not here)

Pet Day:

While it was a very different Pet Day this year due to our COVID restrictions, we were still able to hold the pet competitions. A huge congratulations to all children who got involved and entered their pets. It is a very big job to raise a pet and the students have taken their responsibility seriously. A very big thank you to Kyle and Hine for their massive efforts in organising Pet Day over the years. and for coming up with a safety plan that made it possible to go ahead this year. It is certainly a special part of our school year and we hope that next year we are able to get back to the traditional Pet Day event that we know and love!

Pet Day results:

Jnr Most points = Brodie Mitchell
Int Most points = Braxton Muggeridge

Snr Most points = Harley Brennan

Most Dedicated Owner = Libby Wills
Calf Caller = Brodie Mitchell
Reserve Champion = Libby Wills

Champion Calf = Harley Brennan

Jnr Most points = Fletcher Muggeridge
Int Most points = NONE

Snr Most points = Stella Marshall

Most Dedicated = Fletcher Muggeridge
Reserve Champion Lamb = Rico Brown

Champion Lamb = Stella Marshall

Animal Parade Olympic Theme
Calf = Henry Halliday
Lamb = Arabella Wills



It’s that time of year when we gather information to start planning for the following year. Please fill in this survey for us so that we can get it right for you and your tamariki.
We have a $100 grocery voucher to give away. Every completed survey will go in the draw to win it!
Click on this link to get started 😊

Wairakei Estate Propagation:

Reporoa Primary School have once again been invited to join Wairakei Estate Propagation Day. This enterprise is a fundraiser for every seedling that survives. In the past we have earned $2500 for our Koru Garden. Letters will be going home today for children involved. Thank you to Susannah Engel for organising this for us!


You will be aware that the Ministry of Health issued a Health Order that came into effect on the 25th October that requires all staff and volunteers in schools to be vaccinated, with their first vaccination by the 15th November. The BOT and I are currently working with staff through the finer details of this new law.

We can assure you that in level two we are doing the following daily…

  • Sanitising surfaces 
  • Washing hands at every break time. Sanitising hands.
  • Social distancing (1m inside and 2m outside)
  • Opening all windows for maximum air flow

Please feel free to make an appointment to see me if you have any questions or concerns during this unsettling time.

STARS of the week:

Ka rawe to mahi to Fletcher and Billy for their amazing maths today. They are superstars at their timestables!



We are entering a team for Tuesday 16th November. Permission slips will come home today. Please return them by Friday. There is a limit of 100 for this event so we need to get in quickly!


Tues 2nd Nov Wairakei Planting Day
Tues 16th Nov CBOP Orienteering Day
Wed 17th Nov School Athletics
Thurs 18th Nov Whole school cricket lessons
Fri 10th Dec Reports Home
Thurs 16th Dec Last day of school – 3pm finish

Other Notices:

School Account Details:

Account payments can be made directly to our school ASB account using online banking.  The account number is: 123155 0134517 00


Remember if you change address, get a new cell phone number or email address you need to notify the school so we have up to date records. The office needs your up to date email address so the newsletter can be emailed out – thanks.


We are part of the governments healthy lunches programme. Children are provided lunch everyday. If they have any allergies, please let the office know so that allowances can be made. Children still need to bring a drink bottle (water only please) and morning tea every day.


Reminder – if your child is absent either text, phone and leave a message, or fill in an on-line absent form. We also are required to fill in the reason they are away, so remember to include this in your message – thanks.

Car Parks:

Please use the car parks provided at the front or back of the school. No vehicles are permitted on the school grounds except for staff or service vehicles.

Nãku i runga i aku mihi ki a koe – Yours with thanks

Richelle McDonald

and our team –Cherie, Jazzmine, Debs, Susannah, Steven, Julie, Maureen, Heather, Colleen, Tina, Karla & Linda.

North Fuel:

North Fuel supply Bulk on farm fuel and lubricants for Farmers and Contractors throughout the Primary Sector in New Zealand. One way they give back to the community is via Schools and fundraising events. They also have a large BBQ Trailer for which they bring along for Schools to use on their event days. For every 100 Litres of fuel used by a contractor or farmer in our area they will donate 50 cents to Reporoa Primary School. Once we’ve reached $1,000.00 against our School, they let us know at which point we choose what package suits us best. We could choose between sports, IT and Stationary Packages.