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Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa – warm greetings to everyone

Te ra whanau o Reporoa:

Come to “Te Rā Whānau o Reporoa!” on the 30th August for food, fun and whanau! Guest featuring gourmet chef Joe McCleod.

Note: This is not a fundraiser. Cost covers food only.

Tickets available online @ eventfinda

College Open Day:

Open Day 2019

Come along and see what Reporoa College can offer you and your Whanau!

Wednesday 28th August


Full days programme for Year 6 – 7- 8 students from 8:50-3:10pm Programme:

School Assembly (Can catch the bus here)

Experience Mahi Tahi our Year 7 & 8 home base

Discuss directions in education

Choice of Activities offered at college in the afternoon

Tour of the school

Leave at 3.10 – experience a full college day!

Grab an enrolment pack



Whanau welcome to attend with students!

Meet our new Principal, Mr Brendan Carroll, who will be available to talk to parents!

RSVP: College office – 3338117 or



They will follow this up with the enrolment interviews (conducted by Jane Goss and Brendan Carroll) between the 5th to the 9th of September. More communication regarding both the Open Day and the enrolment interviews will follow.

Star of the week:

Ka Rawe te mahi (awesome work) to

We’re standing up for our principal! Today, all over Aotearoa, communities are standing up for their primary and intermediate school prinicpals.

Why? After a long campaign, our teachers recently recieved an offer from the Government that recognised their skills and qualifications, and gave them pay parity with their secondary school colleagues. But the Government refused to do the same for about 2000 principals in primary and intermediate schools.

Principals do an amazing job for their schools and communities, and they deserve a collective agreement offer that reflects their considerable skills and responsibilities. And we need to value and support the role so teachers actually want to become principals – especially in our small and rural schools and kura.

If pay parity is fair for teachers, as the government has acknowledged, then surely it is fair for principals too.

What can we do? School communities are urging the Government to move quickly to propose a settlement that will address the issues that principals face and ensure we can attract and keep excellent leaders in these vital roles.

We will be sending a photo of Richelle and the children to parliment with a letter explaining why we back our principal we would love to have our students and whanau sign it as a sign of support. This will be in our foyer the next few days for all to sign. We will also be displaying a  poster and Richelle’s face in our cars and classrooms you are welcome to do the same.



A very big thank you:

To all the people who came and helped us on our Koru Garden Day it was an awesome day with lots of work done and heaps of fun.


Rippa Rugby photos – Y3/4 – Y5/6 above received the bowl trophy


Amazing Race Wednesday 21st August Y5/6 – we have teams entered into this day – have a fun day.

Jazmine and Jolene


Wed 21st Aug Amazing Race Y5/6
Fri 30th Aug Te Ra Whanau o Reporoa – Hangi
Fri 30th Aug No school lunches
Thurs 12th Sept Speeches 9:15am
Tues 17th Sept Cluster Winter Sports pp 19th
Fri 20th Sept Cluster Speeches
Tues 24th Sept BOP Winter Sports
Thurs 26th Sept Loud Shirt Day – Gold coin donation
Thurs 26th Sept Last Day of Term – 3pm finish
Fri 27th Sept Teacher Only Day
Mon 14th Oct Term 4 starts – 9:00am

Other Notices:                                                                           

School Bus Vests;

Reminder these belong to the school. If you are moving remember to return your vest to the school office.         If you lose your vest is lost it will cost $8 to replace it.

School Uniforms:

If you are moving and would like us to sell your old uniform on behalf come in and see us – thanks.

School Account Details:

Account payments can be made directly to our school ASB account using online banking.  The account number is: 123155 0134517 00

Remember if you get a new cell phone number  to notify the school so we have up to date records, also the office needs your up to date email address so the newsletter can be emailed out – thanks.


NEW Lunch menu


Reminder if your child is absent either text, leave a message or fill in an on-line absent form. We also are required to fill in the reason they are away, so remember to include this in your message – thanks.

Library News:

Room 1 Friday 9am

Room 2 Friday 9am

Room 3 Friday 11am

Room 5 Friday 10am

Room 6 Monday 11am

Books must be carried in a book bag or plastic bag to and from school. Please remind, or help your children with returning their library books.

Lost or damaged library books will be charged for.

Kia ora


Japanese Student Hosting:

Reporoa college will host Japanese student group (age 13-16 years old) in August. We are looking for

two more families to accommodate student.  Could you please circulate this information

to your staff and families at Reporoa primary school.


Dates:  Arrival-Tuesday 13th August 2019. Pick-up around 4pm time to be confirm

Departure – Friday 23 August 2019 after school program.

Nights:    10 nights homestay

Number:   1 student per host family.

Programme: The program includes English classes and buddy class, farewell party it will be at the Reporoa college.

Payment:   The homestay payment will be a $450 for 10 nights and includes all meals.


–  Please provide the student with a friendly, family-like environment which is safe, secure and supervised. The student will be regarded as part of

the family and be offered the opportunity to be included in family activities and social event.

– Please provide a room which is furnished with a bed and clothing storage.

– Please provide breakfast, school lunch and evening meals Monday to Friday and breakfast, lunch and evening meals at weekends.

If you are interested in hosting student, please contact me on 021 741 664 or e-mail

Thank you very much for supporting this exchange program in advance.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Kind Regards,


Yumiko Kawano

KORU Global Connect

Rotorua, New Zealand

M: 021-741-664




Nãku i runga i aku mihi ki a koe – Yours with thanks

Richelle McDonald

and our team –Jill, Jazz (Piri), Debs, Chelsea, Susannah, Rachel, Julie, Maureen, Heather, Mary, Karla & Linda.